There are many good people out there who have money and are ready to do good. Nonprofit organizations are a great avenue through which these people can extend their hand of help to the poor, less privileged, war victims, refugees, disabled, etc.
However, these potential donors are so sceptical and won’t donate a dime to you if they are not convinced that your organization will actually create the impact that it says it will.
In this article, I will show you some easy secret techniques that you can immediately implement to quickly cause anyone to donate and how you can continue to get a continuous massive inflow of donations for your organization.
1) Make it emotional
Emotion is one of the key ways to get people to take action.
Whatever the challenges of your organization’s beneficiaries are, don’t just explain it to donors plainly. Add some emotions to your messaging.
Let your message show the sufferings or challenges of the people that you are helping, making the donor have pity and compassion on them.
This is an easy way to strike the humanity inside of anyone. When they can visualise and feel the pain of your beneficiaries, then they will donate so that you can help them out.
So always review all your marketing messages to make sure that they are emotional.
2) Ask them to donate now
This is a secret that I discovered in the Bible from Matthew 7:7 which says “Ask and it shall be given”. This sounds so simple, but the irony is that most people find it difficult to ask.
Let me tell you this: only a few people will donate to your organization without you asking from them.
To receive, you must learn how to ask. It’s that simple.
Find out where your potential donors are spending time (online and offline), go there and ask them to support your mission.
You won’t believe how this simple technique will bring in a flood of donations to your organization. So go ahead and ask people to donate.
3) Set up an online donation system

In this digital age, if your organization doesn’t have a website and Facebook page, then you are losing $1000s of donations.
Bill Gates said, “if your business is not on the internet, then you will soon go out of business”.
Setting up a website for your organization quickly enables your donors to learn more about your organization, follow up with your activities and more importantly, your website will have an online donation portal where they can keep donating to your organization 27/7.
At Faithworks Tech, we have implemented a donation portal on our clients’ websites to generate many thousands of dollars of donations for them.
You can also check 6 Mind-Blowing Ways a Website Boost your Nonprofit Organization’s Growth, that you might not have thought of
4) Stay consistent in your marketing
You will never get any meaningful result if you don’t stay consistent with the work and marketing of your organization. You must do it every day.
The moment you stop being in motion, you start losing position.
Just keep moving, keep doing the work, and as the Bible says, you will reap if you do not give up (Galatians 6:9)
Also Check 5 Actionable tips to drive More Revenue for your Nonprofit using Facebook
5) Provide value
Asking for donations all the time without providing any value back to your donors will make them quickly lose interest in donating to your organization.
You can provide value to them in the form of sharing useful information with them, organizing online/offline events and inviting experts who help your donors in any area that they may be facing challenges such as business, health, family life, depression, etc. Just be creative on this.
This will create a lot of goodwill around your organization and your donors will understand that you truly care for them too, thus motivating them to keep donating without looking back.
6) Share share share
This is simple, but most people don’t do it.
To get more donations, you need to get the word about your organization out there in front of your donors.
The more you share the work of your organization to the world, the more donors will know about your organization and the more donations you will have.
You can also run Facebook ads to reach hundreds of thousands of potential donors in just a few days. This is how we help our clients to keep driving huge revenue for their organizations.
Now, What Next?
Do you want to move your organization to the next level?
If you want to take all the pain out of your marketing efforts and get results within 90 days without trial and error, then get in touch with us for a FREE 30 minutes consultation call with one of our experts.
In this call, we will show you how to implement the best online marketing strategies customized for your organization to skyrocket revenue.
Click on this link to book you free call now