2 Factors that will Double your Donations through the Website of your Organization

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Most organization owners know that having a website is cool and key to their organization’s success, and that is true, but very few people know how to make their websites a donations generation machine for their organizations.

Before we continue, I want you to know that many people are not ready to do the work, and that is why they get no results.

If you really want to double your donations through your website, then you must consider the two key factors below.

1) Traffic

Traffic is the number of people who visit your website. Having high traffic means more people are visiting your website.

To get more people to donate to your organization online through your website, you must drive more traffic to your website.

Statistics show that 1 out of 100 people who visit your website will end up donating, which means 1% of people who visit your organization’s website end up donating.

What this means is that if you want to get 100 donations per month, then you must get 10 000 people to visit your website per month.

There are several platforms to drive this traffic some of which include: Facebook, Google search (SEO), Twitter, Instagram, WhatsApp, etc. You must consciously make an effort to publicise and promote your organization’s website through these platforms so that many people can visit it.

The easiest way to drive traffic to your organization’s website is through Facebook paid advertising. With this, you can send a countless number of visitors to your website, as you are willing to invest to get.

The more traffic you get, the more the chances to get more donations.

2) Conversions

Conversion is the percentage of people who actually donate on your website when they visit it.

As we mentioned earlier, 1 out of 100 people donates when they visit your website, giving a conversion percentage of 1%.

Now that you have gotten people to visit your website (high traffic), your website copy (content) must be tailored to show the work that your organization is doing, explaining your future missions and how donations will help you accomplish that mission.

This motivates the donors to give, knowing fully well that their donations will make a difference in the lives of those whom your organization is out to help.

On your website, you must ask donors to make a donation, telling them what their donation will be used for.

More importantly, your website should have an online donation system that can take PayPal and Credit Card donations. This is what we at Faithworks Tech implement on our clients’ websites to make sure they never miss a donation.

When your website content is convincing and compelling, more people will donate, thus increasing your conversions.

In conclusion, you must work to make sure that many people are visiting your website every day, while ensuring that your website content is convincing and compelling to make people donate.

These two factors when properly implemented will see you double or even triple your organization’s donations through your website in a short time.

Do you want to move your organization to the next level?

If you want to take all the pain out of your marketing efforts and get results within 90 days without trial and error, then get in touch with us for a FREE 30 minutes consultation call with one of our experts.

In this call, we will show you how to implement the best online marketing strategies customized for your organization to skyrocket revenue.

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